

Question !

What is the ''esperanto language'' ?

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    esperanto language is a constructed language ,that means that it did not develop naturally but it was created by Dr. Zamenhof in 1887 who believed that it could play the role of a neutral communication tool between
people of different ethnic and linguistic backgrounds as a way of promoting the
peaceful coexistence of different people and cultures..
In fact, taken as it is from Zamenhof'soriginal pseudonym, the word Esperanto itself means "hope" or
"the hopeful one." ..  sinceesperanto is an artificially constructed language .thus, it belongs to no linguistic family. Most of its vocabulary comes from latin and Romance languages. This makes it relatively easy for most Europeans
to learn.
 There are five vowels, twenty-three consonants andonly 16 grammar rules (and there are no exceptions) +no grammatical gender .*whentwo people who originally have different mother tongues choose to converse,
usually only one of you can be speaking the language in which you are most
comfortable. With Esperanto, the playing field is even. Both of you chose to
learn the languageThe Esperanto community is estimated to number only from several hundredthousand to 2 million people worldwide , But the number is growing, just as the
language itself continues to develop.
I hope this is helpful.

Dernière modification le mardi 07 Avril 2020 à 23:02:14
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